Meet Cheryl Rafuse from Plant Magic! You may recognize her from our Instagram or if you’ve taken one of her incredible plant workshops, but if not, let us introduce you to the plant queen herself. Cheryl is an indoor gardener, green witch, Reiki practitioner, and certified herbalist who knows that plants have their own energy and aura. As a lover of plants she started Plant Magic, an indoor gardening business that views houseplants as our connection to nature. Cheryl believes that houseplants can change a space, improve moods, and help set intentions in your everyday life. In the past month, she’s been teaching some digital Plant Magic workshops at Zone 3, so if you haven’t attended one yet, be sure to learn a little more about Cheryl and the work she does and check out her up and coming classes!

Tell us a little about your background and how you got started with Plant Magic?

Wandering around in the woods is a passion of mine. When I started working in offices it was difficult to feel comfortable in that space and I ended up bringing plants into my home to compensate for my lack of outdoor time. I began taking care of the (many) plants at my last job at HausWitch and realized I needed to just take care of plants.

What is your favorite part about running your business?

Watching people realize they can totally keep plants alive. It’s just a matter of learning each plant’s language!

What’s one fact you think everyone should know about plants?

They are older than humans and we have a lot to learn from them.

Best advice you’ve ever received regarding plants?

Watering is half knowledge, half intuition.

What are your 3 top tips for propagating plants?

One: propagate a couple pieces—they might not all survive. Two: Be patient, plants don’t grow roots overnight! Three: Look up whether your plant does better in water or soil.

I want to get some new plants during quarantine, what are your favorite online shops?

I love Plants and Ponytails and I was just told they have PLENTY of plants!! They do curbside pickup and ship so get those plant babes new homes!

Are there any plants proven to improve moods, help with anxiety, etc. that I should get in these stressful times?

Our leafy friends’ mere presence helps with stress and mood. Seeing green, natural elements calms us. Added bonus: some plants are better at clearing the air than others, so snake plants, pothos, and spider plants are all good choices and very easy to care for!

The plant energy in my apartment is all off and I want to change it, where do I begin?

First, know which direction your windows face. If they’re east facing they’ll get plenty of morning light, west facing will give you afternoon light. North/south facing windows might give you a bit of indirect light. Make sure your plants are moved in front of or near windows that will give them the light they crave! And I always try to mix up the shapes: mixing structured plants like aloe and snake plants with a couple leafy varieties that like the same kind of light (like monstera or philodendron) can give you a more dynamic plantscape.

Is there anything we should avoid doing to our plants while in quarantine? Basically like don’t give yourself bangs or dye your hair after a breakup, but for plants.

Stop overwatering them!