Brian’s sign painting and hand lettering stand out at the cross between old and new in a craft essential to public spaces. Sign painting remains a niche field with opportunity for art that respects tradition and enjoys playfulness. Brian’s work is created in that spirit. To tell compelling stories with typography, he draws inspiration from vintage ads, as well as graffiti, comics and tattoo art.
Instagram: @bmoney138


Born: Swampscott, MA

Currently lives: Worcester, MA

Title of artwork: Sippin’ Ale

What’s it about? Originally painted for a group show in 2018, I digitized this piece as an exercise to translate my more traditional hand painted style to the bold, graphic language of digital media.  No brush marks remain but hopefully the touch of the hand is still present.

Where else can we find your work? In nooks and crannys from the North Shore to Boston to Worcester

Where have you been finding inspiration as an artist lately? From sign painters all over the world, both living and those who have left their ghosts to be seen to the keen eye.

One thing you learned about your self or creative practice during COVID-19? Creating structure is key to productivity. Can’t always be chasing the motivational dragon so to speak.

Where is your favorite public art piece in the area? Any that has survived this most recent wave of development. Godspeed to all the survivors.

What would your last meal be? It would have to be a Harvard Sq Bang-Bang; Felipes quesadilla followed by Pinocchios slices and some beers from Charlies

Go-to karaoke song? Paradise By The Dashboard Light by Meatloaf

Title / Author you would choose if it was your turn to host Book Club? Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut

Favorite take-out spot in Allston/Brighton? Habanero Mexican Grill in Allston