Felipe Ortiz is a Colombian artist who resides in the Boston area. Felipe focuses on the practice of painting. Styles vary from realistic Urban scenery to his signature style “explosive nature.

Website: felipeortiz.com
Instagram: @felipeortizart



Born: Cali, Colombia
Currently lives: Boston, MA

Title of artwork: Cali

What’s it about? 48×37 inches, Acrylic on wood. this is a painting of the center/downtown area of my home town Cali.

Where else can we find your work? my studio, gallery showings or my outdoor murals. please join my mailing list to find out where I will be with my work next!

Where do you find inspiration and who are a few artists you admire? I find inspiration from nature and every day happenings. I admire the artwork of Percy Fortini-wright, Adam O’Day, Sean Flood, Cedric Douglas, Ivan Cofield.

If you could invite one person to dinner (dead or alive) who would it be? My ghost

What is your spirit animal? Dragonfly

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Paint Faster

Favorite place to eat in Allston? Lulu’s

Favorite public art piece in the Boston area? Norfolk and Mass Ave. murals in Central Square.