Roberto was born and raised in the Boston area, and has been making art since he was old enough to hold a magic marker. He and his sister were brought up by a single mother who worked as a waitress for the majority of their childhood. Despite that, she was able to enroll him in art classes outside of the regular public school system, by simply budgeting well – a skill Roberto has yet to learn. Since then, art has been one of the only things able to hold his interest, be it drawing, painting, photography, or film making. Roberto holds a bachelor’s degree in fine art, with a concentration in graphic design. He is currently the head photographer at

Instagram: @bertomedia



Born: Boston, MA
Currently lives: Woburn, MA

Title of artwork: Turtle Power

What’s it about?  It’s a house being powered by a giant turtle who lives underground!

Where else can we find your work? Instagram and my website at the moment.

Where do you find your inspiration? David Fincher, James Cameron, J.R.R. Tolkien, Spielberg, George A. Romero, David Chang, Anthony Bourdain, Kevin Smith, David Choe, Omar Rodriguez Lopez

If you could invite one person to dinner (dead or alive) who would it be? Fred Fariole (Grandfather)

Favorite Season? Fall

What was the last TV show you binge-watched? Ozark Season 2

Favorite place to eat in Allston/Boston? Bonchon (Korean fried chicken)