Amy Norrod was born in Dayton, Ohio, and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a focus on two-dimensional studies from Bowling Green State University. She moved to the Boston area in 2020 to continue her career in teaching Art at Wellan Montessori School in Newton, MA. Amy considers herself as an “Artist-Teacher.” To her, the titles of “Artist” and “Teacher” are not two separate identities but are intertwined as one that influence one another. She primarily works in drawing and painting, but also loves to experiment in other mediums like fiber arts, printmaking, and ceramics.

Instagram: @amynorrod_art


Pick up this print aT THE Honan-Allston Library


Born: Dayton, OH

Currently lives: West Roxbury, MA

Title of artwork: Dignified

What’s it about? Thread Sewn into Painted Paper

Where else can we find your work? I like to show my work at local coffee shops in the Jamaica Plain area

Where is your favorite public art piece in the area?

“Breathe Life” mural located in Roxbury at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School. Painted by Rob “ProBlak” Gibbs
Who is your favorite Boston-area artist to follow? Vanessa Irzyk

What would your last meal be? Tomato Pie Pizza from Frank Pepe’s

If it was your turn to host book club, which title would you choose? The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Favorite place in Allston/Brighton for takeout?
Article 24 in Allston

What have you learned about your creative practice in recent years? It’s okay to try new things that aren’t your typical method of making art! Branching yourself out makes room for new creative outlets that can be applied into a variety of disciplines.