Ashlee is a visual artist, currently residing on the North Shore in Massachusetts. After graduating with a BFA in illustration, she has focused on creating mainly digital works, as well as re exploring printmaking and animation. Her work is frequently based in real life experiences surrounding queer women, and are often soft and visually tranquil to create connection. Other times, her art explores the fantastical real life conundrum of what would fish do if they had legs? After self publishing her first book Coping Mechanisms in 2017, Ashlee has gone on to create and share in multiple zines covering a wide range of topics, as well as working on illustrations for Planned Parenthood and Simon and Schuster Publishing.

Instagram: @ashbeadle


Pick up this print aT THE Pavement Coffeehouse


Born: Bridgeport, CT

Currently lives: Beverly, MA

Title of artwork: Year of the Tiger

What’s it about? This piece was created as an exercise in form after quite a bit of art block. Being able to explore the shape of the tiger and the relationship within their environment helped to bring me out of a small slump and get back to doing what I love most. As an added bonus, looking at tiger references for a few days is a major perk.

Where else can we find your work? I’m also on Patreon: @ashbeadle

Where is your favorite public art piece in the area?

Unsure, it’s hard to pick just one!
Who is your favorite Boston-area artist to follow? Liz Bolduc – liz_sux on instagram and twitter

What would your last meal be? A grilled cheese with pesto and crispy fries

If it was your turn to host book club, which title would you choose? The Color Purple by Alice Walker or 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

Favorite place in Allston/Brighton for takeout?
Isshindo Ramen

What have you learned about your creative practice in recent years? Taking breaks to enjoy other things is so important for a creative mind! I am at my most creative and happiest making art when I also take the time to enjoy other art. Watching movies and reading are often my two biggest inspirations.