Alyssa Tunno is currently a Fine Arts student at Lesley University, focusing on printmaking, ceramics and watercolor painting. Her work is influenced by the nostalgia of girlhood, and hones in on the impact that the stories, objects, and memories of her childhood have had on her adult life and experiences. Through the exploration of different mediums and subject matter, Tunno creates work that is reminiscent of the influential moments within girlhood and creates pieces that highlight the impact that these memories have on her present day experiences.

Instagram: @alyssatunnoart

Pick up this print aT PAVEMENT COFFEE HOUSE


Born: Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada

Currently lives: Cambridge, MA

Title of artwork: “The Messenger,” Intaglio print with relief roll, 2021

What’s it about? This piece was based off of my personal adoration for different stories I had read as a child. Although this specific print is not based off of a certain story, I have always been interested in anthropomorphism – stories and artwork that are centered around different non-human characters; stories that are sentimental to us and focus on a specific character or story line. For me, this piece shows a certain love and longing, a mushroom character who is being delivered a flower from an unknown subject. I hope that with this piece, the viewer can create their own narrative based off of the title and the content of the work, forming their own story line based off of the piece. 

Where else can we find your work? @Press304 on Instagram!

Where is your favorite public art piece in the area?I love Super A’s “Resonance“ mural in Dewey Square!

Who is your favorite Boston-area artist to follow? I love Mia Scarpa! Her instagram is @mia12345678910417

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? I love to go thrifting! If not that, I love to sew and crochet – most of my days off are spent doing something crafty!

What was your top song for 2021? “The Moon is No Good” by Indigo De Souza !

Favorite food spot in in Allston, Brighton or the surrounding area? I love Tiger Sugar Boba!!

What have you learned about your creative practice in recent years? I have learned that I can’t live without my creative practice – when I’m not doing some form of artwork, I find that I feel like something is missing from my days/daily routine. I absolutely love to explore new forms or work, and I can’t imagine doing anything else but this.

What is a piece of advice you would give to your past self as a young artist? I would tell my younger self to keep making work, and to not be afraid to fail! I have always been worried that the work that I make won’t be good enough, but I have learned that the doubts I have about my work are all in my head. Pushing past this feeling and just creating more and more work is the most important thing to do!

What is your dream project to work on? My dream art project to work on is a mural! I have done one before in collaboration with other artists in Somerville, MA, but I would absolutely love to create an even larger scale piece! Painting a mural was a wonderful experience that I would love to be a part of again.