Kyle likes to make art and laugh. When he can do both he calls it a ‘two-fer’.

Instagram: @kylebhart

PICK UP THIS PRINT AT THE Honan-Allston Library


Born: Grants Pass

Currently lives: Jamaica Plain

Title of artwork: Jingle Allston Way

What’s it about? A celebration of the most wonderful time of the summer.

Where else can we find your work?

Where is your favorite public art piece in the area?Various street art scattered on Harvard Av.

Who is your favorite Boston-area artist to follow? I @thecollab

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? Making art, working out, being outside!

What was your top song for 2021? ‘WILD WRLD’ by Turnstile

Favorite food spot in in Allston, Brighton or the surrounding area? The Ave

What have you learned about your creative practice in recent years? Find peace in being a ‘forever student’

What is a piece of advice you would give to your past self as a young artist? Never quit

What is your dream project to work on? A mural outside with spray paint!