Sorin Bica is a contemporary artist based in the Boston and Framingham areas, frequently sought for his unique large-scale abstract and figurative paintings. The use of intense color and expressive figures can be seen through-out his work. Sorin was born in Bucharest, Romania where he studied at Scoala Populara de Arta. He began his career drawing political cartoons in his native country. He moved to the USA in 1988 where he studied art at Worcester State University. He continued to combine the cartoonish drawings with his painting, subsequently resulting in his present style. Sorin’s work can be found in many public, private and corporate collections both in the United States and abroad. He is a resident artist at SOWA artist Studios in Boston and The Mill Contemporary Art in Framingham, MA. Sorin is represented by Barba Contemporary Art Gallery, Palm Springs CA. Fountain Street Fine Arts, Boston MA, Paula Esty, AZ Fine Arts, Chestnut Hill, MA.


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Born: Bucharest, Romania

Currently lives: Framingham, MA

Title of artwork:The Story Teller

What’s it about? My work in general follows my life journey. This is an example, a conversation over time and a story with my children.

Where else can we find your work? My studios at SOWA in Boston or at The Mill Contemporary Art in Framingham.

Where is your favorite public art piece in the area?Framingham Downtown Gateway Mural

Who is your favorite Boston-area artist to follow? Nella Lush

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? At the beach.

What was your top song for 2021? To be loved-Adele

Favorite food spot in in Allston, Brighton or the surrounding area? Article 24

What have you learned about your creative practice in recent years? Have fun, no plan, no formula, allow your ideas to evolve as they may, free your spirit and follow your instincts.

What is a piece of advice you would give to your past self as a young artist? Just work, make mistakes, learn.

What is your dream project to work on? Creating an Art Destination in an otherwise boring location.